Ecoxotic’s bamboo-laminated solid bamboo stand caught our attention from far away, and at first glance from down the walkway it looked as if Ecoxotic had put out an wooden cube tank stand to demo the next generation Panorama fixtures – we haven’t seen wood finishes on Ecoxotic products before. Upon closer inspection, we scratched our heads for a second and said “what the?”. Ike Eigenbrode said the one word that brought it all into focus – “Bamboo”.
You’ve seen it in flooring now for a few years. Only earlier this year, an entire kitchen tools section was revamped up here in Duluth, MN to feature exclusively tools made form Bamboo. This is a material that is going to surround us in the years ahead.
Eigenbrode gave Reef Builders a few more details about the prototype Bamboo stand we saw at MACNA. “We haven’t found any downsides to it at all” wrote Eigenbrode. “It’s been extremely easy to take care of and we received a lot of good feedback on it. It’s not cheap by any means – but it is sustainable, and looks nice. We really, really like it and will likely offer something for aquarists in bamboo!”
Sweet. We’ll be on the lookout for bamboo to continue to invade aquarium-related products in unique and interesting ways.