Exciting orange elephant ear mushroom sighted in Tulamben

Elephant ear mushroom anemones, Rhodactis mussoides, are curious members of the broad and diverse group of corallimorphs. Ricordea, Discosoma and other Rhodactis shrooms are much more popular for home aquariums but a newly discovered orange morph of this Rhodactis species might finally…

Bounce mushrooms are being found in a rainbow of colors

Bounce mushrooms are taking the marine aquarium hobby by storm, and catapulting mushroom anemones to the top of elite coral reefers most-wanted list. About a month ago we reported on one especially endowed specimen of the original Bounce Mushroom selling…

Bounce mushroom sells for record $6,000 for a single polyp!

There was a lot of news to come out of this last weekend’s Reefapalooza in Costa Mesa California but the coral heads were all talking about one thing: a single ginormous polyp of the infamous Bounce Mushroom sold for a…

The demise of reefing road trip

With summer being upon us and life being a little less stressful and gas being cheap, I decided to go on a reef keeper’s road trip. My friend Jim Gintner of Eye Catching Coral and I visited Brett and Todd…

“Eclectus” mushroom anemone takes Jawbreaker shrooms to a whole new level

The Jawbreaker mushroom is the strain of ‘Discosoma’ which single handedly showed us that mushroom anemones could be a striking aquarium animal and that Corallimorphs have plenty of strains worth collecting. The new Eclectus mushrooms from Bali aquarium raise the bar once…

Skullcandy mushroom anemone raises the bar for incredible Discosoma

If you needed any indication that mushroom anemones still have a lot to offer reef aquarists in terms of amazing color and pattern, you need look no further than Cherry Coral’s exciting Skullcandy Discosoma shrooms. At first glance the Skullcandy shrooms…

Frag Junky’s Maui Wowi mushroom highlights the recent discosoma and rhodactis craze

You may have noticed a dramatic uptick in the amount of colorful and exciting mushroom anemones being collected and propagated for the marine aquarium hobby lately. Between the Shroom Room, Jawbreaker Discosomas and more juicy corallimorphs than you can shake a…

5 Marine Aquarium Misconceptions I No Longer Espouse

Casting my mind back on my early days as a marine aquarium keeper, it’s funny how some of my stances on various aspects of the hobby have, shall we say, evolved in the intervening years. Of course, these changing opinions…

When Marine Fish Mysteriously Disappear

You’re strolling past your marine aquarium, minding your own business, when you notice that something is amiss. The [insert name of fish here] that invariably comes right up to the front of the tank whenever you enter the room is…

6 Ways to Prevent Photoshock in Aquarium Corals

Many of the corals and other sessile invertebrates we keep in reef aquariums are considered “photosynthetic,” meaning much of their nutrition is produced by photosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae) residing in their tissues. Thus, there is a direct link between the type…