Reef Hobbyist Magazine goes international, infiltrating Asia with Chinese edition

Harry T. Tung and Jim Adelberg have been working hard to build Reef Hobbyist Magazine, their FREE quarterly publication, for 5 years now.  As Jim and Harry launched the  sixth season of RHM, they enter a new chapter with the…

A look back at the most memorable marine, reef and coral aquariums of 2011

2011 Has definitely seen its share of unique aquariums, many of which were featured right here on these pages. Some were variations on an old theme, some were nice applications of the current state of the art, and a number…

Koi Coral Beauty angelfish holds aberrant color pattern after more than four months in captivity

Cebu reef fish are totally hot right now! It seems like everywhere we look there’s some new species, rare morph or absolutely wild aberration shipping out of the Northern Philippines. We’ve covered some aberrant pygmy angelfish before but what makes…

Purple Purple Tang and White-barred Asfur Angelfish are not your average Red Sea imports

For quite some time now the Hawaiian Yellow Tangs and Scopas Tangs have been hogging the limelight in the aberrant department for Zebrasoma surgeonfishes. Piebald yellow tangs, tricolor Scopas tangs and even pure white yellow tangs with fancy super-hero names given!…

House of Fins brings Personatus angelfish to continental US

Personatus angelfish may be caught in U.S. waters but aside from their brief stint in Hawaii, they usually go East to Japan, Taiwan or Hong Kong. House of Fins has bucked this trend by laying down some big bucks to…

Maxi Jet Pro powerhead gets compared to a Maxi Jet Classic

The Maxijet Pro is Marineland’s much overdue refinement of the Maxijet water pump not just as a powerhead, but as a platform of water movement. We first reported on the Maxijet Pro from some boxes that UPG was showing off…

We didn’t realize Maze Angelfish could even get this nice

The Maze Angelfish is an unusual, enigmatic “species” which may represent the frequent crossing and back-crossing with a syngameon of related Chaetodontoplus species. The Blue spot angelfish, blue line angelfish and grey poma angelfish are thought to provide some of…

Chinese zoo performs tumor removal surgery on clownfish

Abnormal growths and tumors can lead to the demise of most fish but Ocean Park, a theme-park style aquarium in Hong Kong, recently performed a surgery to remove a large, possibly cancerous tumor from the eye of a clownfish. Ocean…

Link Blitz: Flying Mantas, Warming Seas, wiring the Ocean, Rainbow Crush Chalice and a tailless emperor angelfish

Manta Rays are known to occasionally breach the water surface and splash down, presumably to remove parasites. Once in a while, many Manta Rays can gather and show off their aerobatic skills in some kind of aerial display that we…

Stop Shark Finning Campaign

Some of you might have seen me at shows wearing the above shirt. It supports the movement that is “No Shark Fining”. If you aren’t aware it is a big problem and sharks fins are used in Shark Fin soup.…