Fish Heads’ Real Reef line adds Shelf and Nano Live Rock!

A couple weeks ago we brought you the battle royale between Walt Smith’s Fiji Cultured Live Rock and Fish Heads new Real Reef Live Rock.  What we didn’t know at the time was that the folks at Fish Heads already…

New bill threatens to ban commercial reef fish harvest in Hawaii – updated

On the heels of Ret Talbot’s January 2011 CORAL Magazine article on the Hawaiian Marine Aquarium Fish Trade comes a bill in the Hawaii State Legislature to amend Chapter 188 of the Hawaii State Statute.  Specifically, revisions to marine life…

Proaquatix releases Captive-Bred Akindynos Barrier Reef Clownfish

Today, Proaquatix announced their release of captive bred Great Barrier Reef Clownfish, Amphiprion akindynos.  This species only rarely enters the hobby, normally as wild caught specimens.  Depending on the size and quality, they can fetch upwards of $250 for a…

Reef LED lights has your ultimate DIY LED light fixture

if you’ve been eyeballing commercial LED reef lights but haven’t yet found one that suits your particular need then consider the hefty DIY kits offered by Reef LED Lights. The fixtures that RLL provides through their kits and and in…

sReef — the skimmerless reef tank of Marko Haaga

A while back we posted about the tank of Marko Haaga, a beautiful skimmerless reef tank which is truly exceptional in it’s appearance as well as it’s execution. Some of you were excited to learn more about Haga’s reef tank so…

Reef Builders Staff picks best aquarium products of 2010

It’s hard to believe that a whole year has passed since we last published our list of best aquarium products of 2009. If you needed any indication that 2010 was a big year for aquarium products, consider that last year…

All new Reef Octopus Pro Series skimmers

The Reef Octopus Pro-Series protein skimmers are a new line of products showcased when the Australian company recently relaunched its website. Not to be confused with Super Reef Octopus, Reef Octopus seems to be a separate company although they do…

Vivaldi’s new reef tank is a masterpiece in the making

Normally when we post full tank shots on Reef Buidlers, without exception these are tanks that already look good, tank of the month, mature aquarium with a nicely aquascaped reef or coral structure. As soon as we watched this video…

CPR Aeroforce reverse flow model up close

The CPR Aeroforce protein skimmer recirculating skimmer has a new model with the inlet and outlet reversed making it a fine choice for nano and all-in-one owners who can’t use the first Aeroforce model. With small compartments and immobile dividers…

Reef Octopus overflow box a bit of a mystery

When we saw these images of the upcoming Reef Octopus overflow box, we were excited and puzzled at the same time. From the onset it looks like Reef Octopus is taking a little different approach than the tradition u-tube and…