Red Dragon Acro coming to the trade in greater numbers as Bali maricultured Acropora carduus

The Red Dragon Acro is one of the newer strains of neato SPS corals to gain popularity in the reef aquarium hobby, first as a few singular colonies and soon to be a whole lot more through greater imports of…

Hybrid triggerfish still alive and well in a marine fish aquarium

Hybrid triggerfish are so rare, we struggle to think of an example besides this one of cross breeding in the Balistidae. We’re sure that other triggerfish hybrid are out there but there’s definitely one or two orders of magnitude more…

Bali’s new reef fish and coral revealed in stunning detail by Conservation International photos

The eight new reef fish and single new coral species that we wrote about on Friday are already being revealed in great detail by new press photos from Conservation International. Among the newly discovered species are one Euphyllia coral, two…

Picasso Clarkii clownfish likely originating from Bali Aquarich

The Picasso Clarki clownfish is a strain that has been a long time coming, considering we’ve had picasso, snowflake, platinum and wyoming white clownfish for years as well as misbarred maroons and spotcinctus clownfish. We first spied a picture of…

Bali’s Biorock reef grows corals faster with electricity

The process of using low voltage electrical current to enhance the deposition of calcium carbonate is known as Mineral Accretion Technology (MAT). The technology has been used extensively on an experimental scale throughout the world but at least one reef…

DeJong Marinelife Successfully Breed the Circled Dragonet

Dutch wholesaler DeJong Marinelife has successfully bred the Circled Dragonet, Synchiropus circularis. Combine a male and female dragonet, feed them plenty of the right food and even captive spawning often comes naturally, but what makes this such a big deal…

Acropora awi is another deepwater beauty!

Acropora awi is a deep water Acropora that has been grown in Indonesian mariculture farms for quite a while. Nevertheless, it has never had the credit it deserves, probably due to misidentification, and its dull natural coloration. But after cooking…

Why 2022 has been the year of the Indonesian Torch Coral

Visit your local reef store this weekend and we can guarantee that several of the conversations you will overhear will be about Euphyllia glabrescens, the Torch Coral. Torches have always been popular because of their flowing tentacles and movement, but…

Grafted Millepora are not as rare as we thought

Grafted corals are the reef aquarium’s holy grail. They demand a high price tag and are highly sort after by many of us. Acropora millepora is the second most popular Acropora after Acropora tenuis, and a good, grafted millepora is…

Acropora walindii, another deep water SPS jewel

Over the years, as you probably noticed, we have a thing for deep water Acros. Our love for them has never stopped growing mainly because they are just the best Aquarium Acropora because they just bloom and thrive in reef…