An Ultra-Low-Nutrient System for Acropora and other SPS

Welcome to the next level of coral care. By now I am assuming you have at least understood all the key general practices to maintain some of the hardier corals, from soft corals to large-polyp stony (LPS) corals to some…

Diodon holocanthus: an Endearing Puffer for Spacious Aquariums

Circumtropical in distribution and ascribed more common names than one can possibly keep straight (spiny puffer, porcupine puffer, porcupinefish, longspined porcupinefish, and balloon porcupinefish, to list but a few), Diodon holocanthus can be a worthy, very pet-like aquarium candidate. This…

Branching bubble coral

The branching bubble coral, Plerogyra simplex, is a little known species of LPS coral which deserves to have a moment in the spotlight. There are many different types of bubble corals, and several different species, but the branching species has always fascinated…

Reefbuilders Indonesia Travelogue – Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is a true underwater paradise, and this past week we had the privilege of diving some of the best reefs the Park had to offer. For those of you that are not familiar, the Raja Ampat Marine Park…

Astraea Snails Make Short Work of Algae

This past year, I rediscovered how great an army of snails can be. We go pretty light on cleanup crews in general. For example, there really aren’t any hermit crabs to speak of in our systems. In 5,000 gallons of…

New Year’s Resolutions for all aquarium keepers

With the start of a new year, it is traditional that we all try to begin it with resolutions that will make us healthier and happier throughout the year. So we all try to exercise more, eat healthier, drink less,…

5 Cleaner Wrasse Myths

The introduction of Labroides spp. cleaner wrasses to marine aquarium systems is generally ill-advised. Though some hobbyists report success in keeping these obligate cleaners long term, the vast majority of specimens entering the market are doomed to perish prematurely from…

The Hardy, Colorful, Nano-Friendly Yellow Watchman Goby

Marine aquarium hobbyists who maintain nano tanks, whether by choice or necessity, often find it challenging to acquire fish that are well suited to their diminutive systems. But in the yellow watchman goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus), they can get all the…

Reef Builders Indonesia Travelogue – Menjangan Island and Permuteran Bay

Last week we had the opportunity to dive the North West coast of Bali. We did two spectacular wall dives off Menjangan Island and visited the Bio-Rock reef project in Permuteran Bay. First up Menjangan Island is located 5km (3 miles) off  shore from…

4 Crabby Caveats to Keeping Clibanarius tricolor

Clibanarius tricolor, the blue-legged hermit crab, is very commonly introduced to marine aquaria, either in conspecific groups or as part of a multi-species “reef janitor” package or “cleanup crew” (aka “CUC” for those who just can’t get enough of those…