Giant amphipods and a ghostly snailfish from the deepest parts of the ocean

In our aquariums we often like to culture a diverse culture of ‘Pods’ including amphipods, copepods and ostracods but our tanks would look wildly different if we were aiming for an authentically deep sea refugium. Take for example these giant…

Giant amphipods discovered near New Zealand at a depth of 7 km

A giant amphipod measuring nearly a foot long is making the news circuit after being discovered near New Zealand at a depth of 7 kilometers. This was not an isolated occurrence as scientists were able to capture seven of these giants that…

Alexander Semenov’s ‘Another World’ photo collection is a close look at freaky cold water marine life

If yesterday’s post about the best nature photos included a broad range of aquatic images and photography style, today’s nature gallery of the day is razor-sharp in focus. Alexander Semenov is a diving photographer from Russia who has honed his…