Amphiprion thiellei and A. leucokranos are two beautiful natural clownfish hybrids

Clownfishes are pretty promiscuous as far as fishes go, and many are capable of forming hybrids. There are only two genera of anemone fish, with the monotypic Premnas playing host to the pugnacious maroon clownfish, and the rest being placed in…

ORA commercializes the Rare White Bonnet Clownfish

ORA finally debuted a project that they’ve been working on for a year (well, actually a decade if you count the total time they’ve pursued this clownfish variety). We finally have commercially available captive-bred F1 Amphiprion leucokranos, the White Bonnet…

ORA shows off their first captive bred leucokranos clownfish

Amphiprion leucokranos is a coveted hybrid-species of clownfish which is only very rarely available, usually from the Solomon Islands. But if you made it to MACNA 2014 this weekend you could have seen a display with half a dozen of…

ORA announces White Bonnet Clownfish coming in 2014 (with awesome video)

As you may recall, last year we reported a story about a very special pair of White Bonnet clownfish (Amphirpion leucokranos, aka “White Cap”) that made a voyage from Ocean Gallery II to the ORA hatchery in Florida, nearly getting lost…

“Tufi” damselfish and brilliant cap clownfish from Papua New Guinea are the latest reef gems revealed by Seasmart

The Tufi Damsellfish is an unidentified species of damselfish which was recently discovered by fishermen working for the Seasmart Program in Papua New Guinea. The Tufi damselfish was collected from Tufi in Oro Province of Papua New Guinea by the…