Centropyge shepardi from Guam are the real deal mango angelfish

Centropyge shepardi is a unique angelfish from Guam which hasn’t been seen in the trade for many, many years. Once upon a time the mango angelfish was exported from the West Pacific U.S. territory in such numbers that you could usually…

Multicolor coral beauty hybrid specimen shows the beautiful blend of its parents

This multicolor and coral beauty angelfish hybrid is just the latest amazing Centropyge to be illustrated by long term friend of the blog Jimmy Ma. We’ve seen this particular cross of coral beauty and multicolor angelfish before in a tiny specimen…

Sixbar angelfish at the Nancy Aquarium in France is over forty years old!!!

The sixbar angelfish, Pomacanthus sexstriatus, is one of the lesser known species of large angelfish although it is a very common species where it is exported from the Philippines. What the sixbar angelfish might lack in ostentatious coloration it makes up with undemanding…

Double black fin Centropyge heraldi looks quite different from C. woodheadi

A great new video from Sea Dwelling Creatures shows a killer comparison between a double black-fin Centropyge heraldi and the pygmy angelfish species formerly known as Centropyge woodheadi. Once believed to be a separate species, Centropyge woodheadi with its black tipped…

New video shows Narcosis and Peppermint angelfish together at Raratonga

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s been a flurry of activity in the West Pacific Ocean this year and there’s never been a better time to be a fan of rare deepwater angelfishes. This year alone we’ve seen peppermint angelfish…

Centropyge narcosis imported from Cook Islands by Quality Marine

Centropyge narcosis has just made its world debut in the Americas thanks to the recent import by aquarium fish powerhouse Quality Marine. The Narcosis angelfish is an extremely rare deepwater reef fish previously believed to be endemic to the Cook Islands. Quality…

Rare video of a real life Centropyge debelius revealed in Japanese NPS tank

Centropyge debelius – One of a select few elite and highly sought after mega-rare angelfish that is just as beautiful as it is scarce. Not many Debelius angelfish have entered the trade and only a handful, in the recent years.…

Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 1. Beyond the shopfront.

BlueHarbor is perhaps, one of the more iconic and reputable fish stores in the East and maybe even the world – Renowned for their incredible repertoire of some of the rarest reef fishes, as well as Koji’s incredible knowledge and…

Captive bred annularis angelfish from Bali Aquarich are real and they’re already here

The captive bred annularis angelfish that were teased by Bali Aquarich back in May have already arrived in America and in decent numbers too. Marinelife dealers in L.A. let us know that Pacific Aqua Farms (PAF) got in some real…

A clownfish and its anemone play host to their unorthodox angelfish friend

Here’s a real treat! Terry, who goes by “Zumaboy” on the inter-web has shared with us a truly amazing story. A case of mismatched identity if you must, of a clownfish stuck in the fishy embodiment of a Personifer angelfish!…