Peppermint angelfish video is the first of its kind showing Paracentropyge boylei in the wild

The Peppermint Angelfish that is swimming around the Waikiki Aquarium right now is a sensational fish and we’ve got the whole scoop on this particular Paracentropyge boylei. Rich Pyle did indeed catch this peppermint angelfish in Moorea at a depth of…

The numerous forms and diversity of Centropyge bispinosa

This is the third post on the diversity and forms of reef fish, and this time on the ubiquitous and highly variable Centropyge bispinosa; also known as the Coral Beauty Angelfish. The standard issue coral beauty is a good mix…

Peppermint Angelfish (Paracentropyge boylei) shows up at Waikiki Aquarium

The peppermint angelfish, Paracentyropyge boylei, is by far the apex of holy grail reef fish in the aquarium hobby. To this day only one specimen is known to be alive in captivity, under the care of a Japanese aquarist. Another live…

Hybrids of the Euxiphipops blue face and majestic angelfish are rare and interesting

As mentioned recently regarding hybrids, species belonging in the same genus or complex often hybridize in the wild. The same is applied for the three members of the subgenus Euxiphipops in the Pomacanthus genus. P. navarchus, P. xanthometopon and P. sextriatus; more commonly known as the majestic, blueface and six…

Pontyandayo’s reef tank was a tabling acropora and angelfish paradise

Not only are the Japanese famed for their ability to procure rare fish, they are also well known for their meticulous, sleek and neat reef tanks. Youtube user Pontyandayo’s reef tank is a classic example of a neat, well maintained…

Queen Angelfish from Curacao shows wild aberrant juvenile color pattern

This juvenile queen angelfish, Holacanthus ciliaris, from Curacao shows more than a minor amount of aberration to the patterning of its juvenile stripes. Unusual specimens of Holacanthus angelfish are few and far between but just because we see them less than other angelfish, especially…

African Flameback Angelfish successfully captive bred by Reef Culture Technologies

Centropyge acanthops, the African Flameback Angelfish, is the latest species of captive bred angelfish to be announced by Reef Culture Technologies.  Yes…Frank has been extremely busy in 2011, so much so that he’s nailing the “species firsts” left and right.…

Pictures and videos of Genicanthus personatus in the wild cements its holy grail angelfish status

I like looking at rare fish pictures as much as the next guy, but if there’s anything that excites me more, it’s the thrill of finding pictures of rare fish in the wild. Featured this time are a slew of…

Chaetodontoplus niger shows up on youtube

One of the rarest of all marine angelfish, Chaetodontoplus niger, was filmed by Japanese divers off of Kashiwajima, Kochi at 33-meters, and posted on youtube. The contrast of white and yellow fins along an all black body is quite stunning on…

Some of the captive bred Koran angelfish may also include Annularis

We didn’t see this new development coming back in December, but leave it to Dr. Matthew L. Wittenrich to recently second guess the species identification on some of the juvenile captive-spawned angelfish they managed to rear in late 2011, as…