Ecoxotic Cannon 80 LED provides 12 feet of light penetration for under $200

Current USA is marketing a commercial LED light that could provide some great value supplemental light for the home aquarium. Following on from its bigger brothers the 160W Cannon Pro, the Cannon 80 LED is designed primarily for public aquariums…

Cannon Pro 500 watt LED announced by Ecoxotic

The Cannon Pro 500 watt LED spotlight just announced and displayed by Ecoxotic is one the largest, most powerful and and most concentrated light we’ve ever seen from an LED. The new jumbo Cannon Pro LED stands in contrast to previous…

Cannon Pro LED advances Ecoxotic’s assault on metal halides

Ecoxotic is continuing its agenda to ‘endanger metal halide’ lighting with a next generation of LED spotlights called the Cannon Pro LED. For several years now the Ecoxotic Cannon LED spotlight has been the most popular LED option for replacing…