From the very beginning we developed and produced the Australian flavor of ReefStock to be a showcase of Australia’s best corals. We especially wanted to accelerate Australia’s reef scene to adopt coral fragging and propagation but this year we were…
Biota’s Captive Bred Mandarins Caught Eating Flake Food!
The mandarin dragonet is a fish which needs no introduction to seasoned and beginner saltwater aquarists alike. The psychedelic pattern of this fish makes it one of the most recognizable small reef fish, but its preference for live foods makes…
Captive Bred Mandarins Return…But Only for a Moment
After Scott Fellman’s well-written rant surrounding the explanation and loss of ORA Mandarin Dragonet production, the collective breeding world pretty much wrote off seeing captive-bred Synchiropus spp. for the foreseeable future. I echoed Fellman’s sentiments recently in my own story…
Captive bred mandarin gobies now available from Indonesia
If you needed any further evidence that captive breeding of marine fish is in a Golden Age right now, here’s another tidbit to further the cause. Although most wild mandarins come from Indonesia, now we may soon see captive bred Synchiropus…