Monsoon’s Lemonpeel Angelfish hybrid is Rare Find from the Great Barrier Reef

Monsoon Aquatics has collected a striking Lemonpeel hybrid angel with a spotted tail. Lemonpeel hybrids usually come from the Pacific Islands but this one was collected on the Great Barrier Reef. We asked Monsoon’s Dan Boserio and Mark Tate for…

Sustainable Aquatics’ Captive Bred Lemonpeel & Cream Angelfish

Sustainable Aquatics is on something of a hot streak when it comes to breeding new marine fish lately. Wandering far from the well-travelled paths of captive breeding clownfish & dottybacks, Sustainable Aquatics has recently tried and succeeded at rearing several…

This Lemonpeel Angelfish Is Old Enough To Buy A Beer!

 The saltwater aquarium hobby is chugging along and with it, some very old aquarium veteran fish are continuing to thrive, many of which are older than our youngest aquarist. So anytime someone says they’ve got a fish over twenty years old,…

Centropyge cocosensis & C. woodheadi, two ‘new’ species of pygmy angelfish

Centropyge cocosensis and C. woodheadi are two new names for new species angelfish which aquarists have long recognized as distinct. There’s been much confusion and speculation on the true identity of both the Cocos Island Lemonpeel, affectionately called the Cocopeel Angelfish,…

An artful look at Bali Aquarich’s captive bred angelfish triumphs

Any casual or regular reader of Reef Builders’ pages will no doubt be well acquainted with the powerhouse of marine fish breeding that is Bali Aquarich. Mr. Wen-Ping Su and associates have pioneered the first captive breeding of so many…

Our Tigerpyge hybrid gets a video update in HD

Although much of the hype surrounding the Tigerpyge angel has died down since its meteoric appearance a few years ago, there is no denying its sheer beauty and grace. Of all the hybrids we’ve seen and gawked at, the lemon peel and…

Building a coral aquarium for a coral-eating lemonpeel angelfish

We’ve always thought it was odd that our marine fish get discretely divided into the reef-safe and non reef-safe camps because as we’ve seen time and time again, it’s very possible to keep predators in a reef tank; they don’t…

We just can’t get enough of the Cocopeel’s intense blue eyes!

‘Cocopeel’ is our personal shorthand for Cocos Island, Indian Ocean, Lemonpeel Angelfish, Centropyge flavissima. This highly unusual variant of a common aquarium fish hides an evolutionary rift from the standard-issue lemonpeel angelfish which goes back thousands of years, and its tiny,…

Tigerpyge trio are holding colors in aquarium life

It’s been far too long since we’ve featured a real nice hybrid angelfish morph so we thought to revisit the Tigerpyge living in Hong Kong. Three of them to be exact, living happily together in the aquarium of frequent contributor…

Rapture of the Deep – The elusive Narcosis Angelfish

Nitrogen Narcosis, The Martini Effect, and Rapture of the Deep: all are terms used to describe the effects of the alteration in consciousness when diving to depths greater than 100 feet (30 meters).  This temporary and reversible effect is similar…