Amazing Solomon Island Favites from Vibrant Corals

Remy and I were in Dallas after Aquashella, and we visited Vibrant Corals, a wholesaler that brings in corals from all over the world to distribute to US-based stores. While there, we made some videos, talked, shopped, and looked at…

Your Favia’s Not a Favia – A Cursory Guide to Ex-Favia Merulinid Corals

A quick internet search for “Favia for sale” will return a collection of encrusting large-polyp stony corals collectively grouped as such. However, if one were to take a closer look, they would notice that many of these “Favia” are nothing…

Favites pentagona – Red & Green War Coral

Favites pentagona By: Greg Collinske  Today we would like to focus on Favites pentagona or the Red and Green War Coral as it is commonly referred to in the industry. It has been a longtime favorite within many of our…

Favites monticularis is a spikey new species of stony coral

The moon brain corals of the family Faviidae have yielded some interesting new species lately, but the newly described Favites monticularis will stand out in your mind, literally. Favia camranensis was certainly neat with its shingle-like corallites but the spiny corallite walls…

Stand up next to a mountain

And chop it down with the edge of my branching Favites complanata.