Dr. Chung Wing Hung’s Pomacanthid perfection

Dr. Chung from Hong Kong is a familiar name to any rare fish lover worthy of his salt. A dentist by profession, Dr. Chung has had the privilege of owning some of the most elusive and rare species in the same tank.…

Time Travel Thursday: Mr Wong’s collection from the film era

In our previous installation with regards to Mr. Wong, we took a look at some of his existing collection of butterflyfish in his home aquarium. Today we’re stepping into a time machine to explore some of Mr. Wong’s fish that he…

Pearl of The Orient: Mr Wong’s butterflyfish collection

When it comes to the rare fish game, there are only two players that immediately come to mind. Hong Kong and Japan. Together these two are undeniably the largest absorbers of rare fish, and have been consistently spitting out amazing specimens…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 2: A hat-trick of ultra lemonpeel hybrids

This is a continuation of Digiman’s two-part Hong Kong travel experience. In part 1, we took a look at the collection of two renowned HK reefers, namely Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma. Here, we take a quick look at Digiman’s…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 1: Legendary reefers Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma

Here’s another exciting Reef Builders travelogue showcasing the sights and adventures of the reefing scene in a foreign country. Like our Japan and Bangkok travelogues, we visit yet again another Asian country – the mystical land of Hong Kong. This…

Whatafather reef from Hong Kong is a thing of beauty

There are tanks that are awesome for their fish and coral, and then there are tanks that are awesome because of their cleanliness along with the fish and coral. The Reef of Hong Kong reef forum user Whatafather definitely falls…

Hongtam’s reef aquarium in Hong Kong takes the display refugium to a whole new level

The display refugiums is a neat concept in itself, but this display “refugium” takes things to a whole other level. This aquarium is  not really a refugium at all since it lacks macro algae and the purpose of nutrient export,…

Lawrence Chan’s SPS reef from Hong Kong

Lawrence Chan’s SPS reef is just a plain nice looking SPS dominated aquarium. Great coloration, enough room for the corals to grow and a big hammer dominating the scape make this aquarium a pleasure to look at. Located in Hong…

Jimmy Ma’s private collection of dottybacks consists of some really cool species

Having the un-reversable aberrant Coral Beauty Angelfish and the trio of super hot White-Bar Anthias in his collection, Jimmy Ma is certainly no stranger to rare fish. If you think his aberrant C. bispinosa is something to shout about, what…

The highly elusive and beautiful Bodianus opercularis surfaces in Hong Kong

The Bodianus hogfishes get loads of quality air time here at ReefBuilders, and for good reason. Hogfish are gorgeous, rare, easy to keep and overall a group of very hardy fish that can withstand the rumble and tumble of a…