Unboxing a New Coral Shipment from Jason Fox

Jason Fox is one of the most prolific progenitors of fun and unique coral strains in the aquarium hobby and we love comparing notes with him about our observations of corals on wild reefs. While Jason might be best known…

Aerospace Hydnophora is a Wild Color Morph of Horn Coral

Hydnophora or more commonly called ‘Horn Coral’ are a distinctive group with some of the fleshiest tissue of all so-called SPS corals. Most reefers will be most familiar with the thinner branched, neon green species called H. rigida that is…

‘Scribbled’ Hydnophora is a Coral Strain for the Connoisseurs

If there’s one group of corals that hans’t yet had its collector hype moment it’s definitely the Hydnophora horn corals. With a very consistent color across a handful of species, a unique ‘scribbled’ Hydnophora we spotted at Worldwide Corals last…