30 Day Reef Tank – Testing and Waiting

Setting up a reef tank for someone who’s not in the hobby. Ever since we set our eyes on the Lifegard Aquatics Crystal peninsula nano tank we knew it would be the perfect addition to our family home. But convincing…

Lifegard Aquatics Elevated Crystal Aquariums

Looking to start a nano or even pico aquarium? Lifegard Aquatics has introduced a new all-in-one elevated aquarium that will fit on any desk or bookshelf.  The ‘Crystal’ tank line is the latest technology in Ultra Clear 45° edge Tanks…

Lifegard Introduces the Redesigned Pro Max UV Sterilizer

Ultraviolet sterilization of water is a practice that has been around for decades, but advancements in this segment of the aquarium market have been few and far between. Sure we’ve seen some micro UV Sterilizers in the form of one…

Lifegard Full View aquariums offer different perspective

If you are looking for a unique aquarium the Lifegard Full View aquarium is one option. Instead of the traditional cube or rectangle, the Lifegard Full View has the front panel tilted at a bit of an angle to give…

Lifegard Aquatics Intelli-Feed keeps your food dry and fish happy

The Lifegard Aquatics Intelli-Feed system is designed to not only automate your aquarium feeding but keep your food dry as well. Designed for dry food the Lifegard Intelli-Feed automatic feeder uses a sealed container that extends and rotates, dropping the…