The Myth of LPS Corals Living in ‘Dirty Water’

Every day that we observe corals in the ocean and take care of them in our aquarium it becomes clearer how important feeding is to them. Recently while watching a live video from our good friend Shane Danger Coleman, we…

Feeding Wild Corals on Natural Reefs of the Solomon Islands

For as long as Reef Builders has been around, we’ve done our best to bridge the gap between aquarium corals and wild corals and the natural reefs they come from. This includes bringing you ‘aquaristic‘ images of wild corals, habitat…

New EasyLPS Pellet Food from EasyReefs

EasyLPS is a new pelleted coral food for LPS species from EasyReefs. EasyReefs is trying to make a name for itself as a company solely focused on the nutrition of reef animals with a lineup that started with very fine…

Paul B’s Unique Perspective on Keeping Mandarins

Hobby pioneer Paul “Paul B” Baldassano is not your grandfather’s reefkeeper (though he is old enough to be your grandfather!). In fact, Paul B’s perspective on just about any aspect of the marine aquarium hobby is quite distinct from anyone…

Discount Marine Fish Aren’t Always Such a Bargain!

There’s no question that many of the marine fish we keep in our aquariums come with a pretty hefty price tag. Even relatively inexpensive “bread-and-butter” species can cause a surprising degree of sticker shock compared to their freshwater counterparts. So,…

Elasmobranch Enthusiasts (Part 2): Modern Husbandry – Diet

From the ferocious great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) to the graceful white-spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari), Elasmobranchii are a diverse group of boneless fishes that are circumglobal, inhabiting a diverse array of habitats, temperature ranges, salinities, and niches in the…

5 Factors Leading to Long-Term Dietary Deficiencies in Marine Aquarium Fish

The occasional loss of fish is an unavoidable reality of marine aquarium keeping. Fish have a finite lifespan, and some are destined to pass away in captivity, even when they’re provided the best possible environment and care. But more often…