Coral Restoration Foundation Massive Caribbean Coral Gene Bank

Coral Gene Bank The Coral Restoration Foundation™ is building a massive Caribbean coral gene bank along the coasts of southern Florida. The underwater haven for corals currently holds 303 coral genotypes across 10 species, including the massive reef-building corals Orbicella faveolata,…

This Giant Orbicella faveolata Was Here Before Columbus

Orbicella faveolata The coral reef in Tela Honduras is dominated by never ending ridges of thin Agaricia coral, and to eke out a living, any competing species have to adopt a strength in numbers approach for survival. A lone colony of Orbicella…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Orbicella faveolata

Orbicella faveolata Orbicella faveolata is an important reef-building coral that forms large mountainous colonies. Juvenile corals are rather mundane, while adult colonies can grow to an impressive size. Orbicella grows by encrusting. A new colony can start from a single polyp…