Panama Aquarium offers custom colors and a closed-loop weir design

French aquarium fabricators Nosy Be Imports have launched a new reef-ready aquarium called Panama. Although available in just one 40”, 110-gallon size, Panama more than makes up for the lack of models by offering a choice of cabinet color, pipework…

Caribbean Bounce Shroom Is Possibly A NEW Species!

A wild new shroom morph has been collected with a very interesting pattern and from a very unexpected location. If this frilly Rhodactis was part of an import from the Indo-Pacific it would be a very nice polyp, and those neon green…

Blue Panama Zoanthids show up at LiveAquaria aplenty

Panama Zoanthids are the latest soon-to-be craze in the polyp collecting world. Australian and West Aussie Zoanthids are fine and all but since they are collected by westerners and shipped halfway across the world, even the mediocre colonies of Aussie…