Marine Ich is undeniably one of the most deadly marine aquarium diseases our tropical saltwater fish have to face in captivity. It’s a big deal not because it’s particularly lethal, but because there’s simply so much misinformation about this ubiquitous…
PolypLab New Live Foods, Tigriopus californicus & Tisbe biminiensis
Tigriopus californicus – if you’ve been reefing for even a short time this is probably the only species of copepod that you know by name. First introduced to the aquarium hobby by Reef Nutrition’s Tigger pods, this species has become…
Polyplab launches new web site
Polyplab has been polishing things up lately with the launch of the new website to showcase its product line more with both consumers and retailers. Content and navigation is improved from the previous version, with better product details. Polyplab also…
PolypLab launching video project dubbed “The Lab”
PolypLab is planning on launching an upcoming video education project called Lab” in the next few weeks. Although video education series are nothing new, it looks like PolypLab is going to be featured around a complete aquarium system built from scratch in order…
Cubic Aquarium looks to Polyplab for distribution in the American market
There’s been a lot of hustle and bustle at Polyplab lately with the release of Reef-Roids Nano and Orca Labs NitraGuard BioCubes and now they’re going for the jellyfish tank market. Polyplab has been named the exclusive North American distributor…
Orca Nitra-Guard BioCubes available to North America now from Polyplab
The Nitrate-reducing Nitra-Guard BioCubes have enjoyed growing use in South Africa and now American aquarists will soon be able to get some locally. The Reef-roids and medic manufacturer, Polyplab, have secure a new distribution deal with the south African based company…