Over 200 new invertebrates and 11 new fish discovered in Philippines

The California Academy of Sciences recently concluded a biodiversity expedition in the Philippines discovering over 300 new species including 200 marine invertebrates and 11 new fish. The six-week expedition focused most of the marine exploration on the Verde Island Passage, a deep-water…

Evidence of ancient Roman ship that carried a live fish tank

An interesting photo essay of an ancient Roman ship that apparently held a fish tank to transport and hold live fish appeared on Discovery News recently. Originally discovered off the coast of Grado, Italy in 1986, the shipwreck was recovered…

Acidic oceans can be causing “deafness” in fish

We know that acidic conditions can cause damage to sensitive corals on our reefs but a recent study on clownfish has shown that increased acidity in water can cause them to lose their hearing. The study used sounds of predators to see if the…

New pseudochromis and Euphyllia among the recent discoveries in Bali, Indonesia

Scientists just discovered eight new fish species and one new coral species after conducting a marine survey around Bali. Targeting 33 different sites the team identified 952 fish and found that eight were new undiscovered species that included damsels, eels…

Toadfish noises much more than simple grunts and groans

The Toadfish is probably more well known for its unique swim bladder than its ability to make noises but a recent study by researchers at Cornell University may change that as toadfish may be sending complex information in the noises they make.…

Infinite photograph of unusual reef life from Mo’orea

National Geographic has a really fun and cool way to view all the unusual reef life from the South Pacific island of Mo’orea with an interactive infinite photograph. Just head on over to NatGeo then click on the yellow rectangle and…

Sea urchins may be one gigantic eye

It appears sea urchins might just use their entire body as one huge eye. Previous research has shown certain marine invertebrates react to light even without apparent “eyes” leaving scientists to wonder how did they see but new research suggests…

How much is a shark worth? $2 million alive

Sharks may strike fear in our hearts but they also bring money to local economies — $2 million each as a matter of fact. A study released today shows just one reef shark can be worth nearly two million dollars…

Should natural ecosystems like coral reefs have legal rights?

After reading a recent article about a law set to pass in Bolivia granting legal rights and recognition to natural systems, the main question I asked myself was should natural ecosystems like coral reefs have legal rights? Is this another…

Reef aquarium copepod, will it blend?

The turbulence we have put into our reef aquariums with propeller pumps and random flow created by wavemakers is an efficient way to create water flow, yet a recent bit of research finding boat turbulence killing zooplankton in channels and…