Mature Filter Media is Still the Quickest Way to Avoid the Ugly Phase

Cycling, and dealing with Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, and Cyanobacteria are the biggest setbacks for the new reefkeeper but they can be avoided. Bottled bacteria have their place and live rock and live sand their pros and cons, but the quickest, easiest,…

Seadreams Is Shaking Up The Market With A New Biological Filtration Reactor

Seadreams has just released a new biological filtration reactor complete with a built-in rotating shaking system for maintaining a precision bioload in your reef tank. The standard version comes with a knob on the lid of the reactor which for…

Siporax Algovec Is An Interesting New Phosphate Reducer From Sera

Siporax by Sera is one of the oldest commercial biomedias in the aquarium hobby and a new version is claiming to do even more in the biological arena. Siporax Algovec is a new version of the biomedia which is specifically…

Carlinhos Moreno’s 400g reef rom Brazil is complete coral eye candy

Although the aquascaping of this stunning reef of Carlinhos Moreno may be standard-issue, the beauty of this reef is still undeniable.  Yes, the scape of this Brazilian reef borders on the “fruit stand look” but the dark shadows created by…