Purple Purple Tang and White-barred Asfur Angelfish are not your average Red Sea imports

For quite some time now the Hawaiian Yellow Tangs and Scopas Tangs have been hogging the limelight in the aberrant department for Zebrasoma surgeonfishes. Piebald yellow tangs, tricolor Scopas tangs and even pure white yellow tangs with fancy super-hero names given!…

Naso tergus, a new surgeonfish species recently described from Taiwan

Naso tergus is the newest species of surgeonfish which was described from specimens collected around Taiwan. The new Naso species along with Acanthurus nigros are the two latest additions to the family Acanthuridae. However unlike A. nigros which was differentiated…

Regal Blue Tang reported successfully captive bred in Taiwan

While details are sparse, news broke today of reports out of Taiwan claiming success in the captive propagation of the Hepatus Blue Tang, Paracanthurus hepatus.  This species has been “rumored” to have been captive bred for many years, but historically…

Tricolor Scopas strikes again

The large mutated tricolor scopas tang just pulled up in Bali by Neptune Fish is the nicest tricolor surgeonfish we’ve seen since we featured the nice tricolor scopas tang from Southwest Marines, UK. This particular tricolor scopas has a striking…

Another white tang is discovered, this time it’s a Scopas

Ok we know you’re probably sick of white tangs over the last couple weeks but this one is different because it’s a scopas tang from the Indian Ocean. The images of this near-solid white Zebrasoma scopas come to us from…

Captive Bred Yellow Tangs? Not quite yet…

For nothing short of years, there have been rumors of captive-bred tangs permeating hobbyist chatter.  Most of these rumors are fueled by the collection of small Regal Tangs (Paracanthrus hepatus) and a general misunderstanding of what “tank raised” means (quite…

The tang collection at World Wide Corals ought to make the Tang Police implode

You may not have heard of the Tang Police but they surely have heard of you. As we speak the Tang Police has surveillance on all the reef tanks in North America making sure that everyone has only one surgeonfish…

Tricolor and gem tangs a plenty at Southwest Marines, UK

Southwest Marines was the first all marine aquarium store we visited in the UK and we must say it was quite a pleasant surprise to round the corner and spot LED lighting, two gem tangs, one tricolor tang (aberrant scopas)…

Rare Gold Rim Achiles tang hybrid Acanthurus achilles x A. nigricans

Although hybrid fish are increasingly becoming more apparent in the industry we find it hard to pass on posting such beautiful creatures up. This Hybrid Achilles tang (Acanthurus achilles x A. nigricans) has popped up on Aquatouch. The markings on…