Casper the white tang has undergone a radical transformation

Casper the world-famous all-white yellow tang is quickly becoming the best documented specimen of a surgeonfish in aquariums, or in the wild. From humble beginnings in mid-2010, the little blanched Zebrasoma flavescens first gained notoriety as one of the crowning animals…

Yellow tang seems to enjoy swimming upside down (video)

Video of a yellow tang happily swimming upside down; if we said nothing else but showed you the video, this would make your day. But we feel a little context is in order. May we present to you, not the rarest…

The Mauritian Zebra Tang is so much more than a fancy convict

Acanthurus polyzona, aka the Zebra Tang from Mauritius and the Western Indian Ocean has been a book fish that we thought we would never see with our own eyes for so long, we had all but given up ever seeing one in…

A yellow Scopas Tang that’s even brighter than a Yellow Tang

The ubiquitous and staple Zebrasoma scopas (Scopas, or Brown Tang) is so variable that over the years we’ve seen aberrations and variations running the gamut from Koi types, ghost white, tricolored, dirty yellow and almost everything else in-between. While dirty…

The Indian Ocean is producing some really nice tricolor “Koi” Scopas Tangs

We’re not sure exactly what’s stirring up in the waters of the Indian Ocean, but it’s definitely producing some gnarly aberrations of the commonly known scopas tang, Zebrasoma scopas, that we know and love. This little gem shows similar characteristics to…

The Zebra Tang has come to US and UK aquariums

The Zebra tang, aka Acanthurus polyzona is a very rare “book fish” which we’ve covered before from a distance, but this story is about some good news for aquarists. After about two years of poking, prodding, begging, pleading and insisting,…

Ghostly scopas tang shows aberration of both skin and eyes

A newly caught Zebrasoma scopas in Singapore is showing some ghostly resemblance to the infamous white-yellow tang, Casper. While not nearly as stark white as his cousin Casper, this new white Zebrasoma character started out nearly completely white with hints of…

Bandit surgeonfish: Black face regal blue tang is a very interesting masked mutation

Some minor mutations in reef fish might give a specimen an extra bar, a broken stripe, or a weird inflection on the overall color but this black face regal blue tang has a mutation which adds a lot of character.…

Powder blue tang hybrid with Acanthurus bariene is a unique one-of-a kind surgeonfish

Acanthurus leucosternon, more commonly known as the powder blue surgeonfish is a rather promiscuous species as far as surgeonfishes go. Although hybrids between surgeonfishes are uncommonly documented, there are some well known examples involving the powder blue surgeonfish. South Africa’s…

Regal Blue Tang can spawn successfully at home

It seems that breeding news comes in spurts.  While the vast majority of marine fish have never been spawned in captivity, with even a smaller fraction being reared, it is undeniable that the early 21st Century is proving to be…