The Clearest Macro Time Lapse Video of Growing Acropora

Time lapse and macro videos are one of the best tools we have to shine a light on coral ‘behavior’. Since corals don’t move like other animals, and their reactions to the environment are a very different time scale from…

The Awakening Of The Coral – Epic Macro Time Lapse Video

It’s so awesome to be a part of a hobby that lends itself so well to artistic interpretation. Photography, macro photography, timelapses – all of these techniques can reveal some unique insights into what our corals are doing.  But you really…

Coral Colors – The Secret Movement of Corals
Coral Colors Coral Colors is a beautiful macro time lapse video that gets up close…
High Definition Time Lapse Can Actually Demonstrate Coral Behavior

Behavior is one aspect of biology which is hard to document in our slow moving…

Fluorescent Friday – the macro time lapse videos of Coral Morphologic

When it comes to imaging and photographing corals, few shooters can come close to the level…

Trio of eye candy coral videos focus on fluorescence, macros and time lapse

If any animal is more worthy of closer scrutiny using macro video, time lapse, and…

A masterpiece is born: time lapse aquascaping of Worldwide Corals’ new show tank

It’s not everyday that you know of a certain reef aquarium which is being built…

Five time lapse aquarium videos that show the ‘behavior’ of corals

Everyone loves a good time lapse video, whether it is of everyday scenery, passing clouds,…

Time lapse & focus stacked coral video redefines “mind blowing”

Time lapse video and focus stacked images were made to feature corals in all their glory. But…

Disc and plate coral olympics captured on time lapse

We tend to think of corals as almost exclusively benthic, non motile creatures, so its…