Movie Time: Get to know the Reef Life of the Andaman Sea in this feature length video

It’s Friday night and if you feel like staying in, perhaps snuggling with your boo, or if your Netflix queue is looking uninteresting, here’s a full length nature movie to burn a couple hours of your evening/weekend. Within aquarium circles the Andaman…

New video of the CAD Lights pipeless skimmer reveals the pipe-free trick

The CAD Lights Pipeless skimmer is one of the more unique and unusual protein skimmer designs to surface in quite some time. Although we’ve known about the Pipeless for some a little while it’s only now that we have uncovered how the new…

RLSS DB10i skimmer video shows the unique union of pump and body

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”450″][/vimeo] The RLSS DB10i protein skimmer outed a couple weeks ago with that sweet Waveline DC 5000 water pump mounted in the body made its first public appearance in Dallas nearly two weeks ago. If there was a single…

If only more LFS people were like Velveeta’s ‘Aquarium Store Guy’

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″][/youtube] He may be fictitious but we already love the character that is featured in the new commercial for Velveeta Mac’n Cheese. Their aquarium store guy won’t sell you a labradoodle and he won’t let you have just any…

Octopus lays the smacketh down on weakling pyjama shark

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”420″][/vimeo] Backbone or no backbone, there’s no denying that in this scenario the cephalopod is clearly the superior evolved higher creature. The octopus starring in the video came up on a baited jar set down by marine scientists…

400 gallon Vivid Aquariums serviced reef tank is full of eye-candy

Combine a superb coral retailer such as Vivid Aquariums with someone with a genuine interest in aquariums and deep enough pockets to afford the top of the line livestock and equipment, and you got an awesome aquarium in the making.…

Manta ray video gives a rare glimpse at deeper Bali coral habitat

The author of this video thought they were just filming the beautiful motion of a manta ray swimming, gliding through Indonesian waters. But what we see in this video is an incredible tour of Bali where coral cover is pretty…

Sea spider video shows Pycnogonids like never seen before

Sea Spiders are widespread in the ocean and on coral reefs yet we hardly, almost never, encounter them in our reef aquariums. We can think of just a couple of times seeing the lone sea spider walking along some fresh live rock…

Nano goby turns a Bullock’s Hypselodoris nudibranch into its own habitat

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”450″][/vimeo] We tend to think of small reef fish living in a wide range of habitats but some species of Eviota and Trimma are so small that they can be at home on other reef creatures that are small…

Friday Smorgasbord: Jellyfish photos, wheelchair scuba, sharks, ocean ‘gas’ explained and a friendly seal

It is a three day weekend here in the States as we get set for Labor Day weekend and here are a handful of fun Friday Smorgasbord tidbits to start off your weekend. Russian biologist and photographer Alexander Semenov has…