The Stunner LED strips from Ecoxotic have been shipping for a couple weeks now and we already got our hands on a sample pack that includes all of the currently available color combinations. To refresh your memory these small LED lights are intended more as accent lights to tweak your current light’s color rendition or as a viewing light for some smaller non-photosynthetic set ups. The $44 Stunners are linkable and the $18 power supply can run up to 6 of the stunners in a series. The blue, white and mixed color Stunner strips are all fairly bright but the “UV” colored one with the emission peak at 403nm is quite dim; although it may encourage the development of coral pigments that you wouldnt normally see in blue and actinic lights that peak in the wavelengths between 420 and 470 nm. The really narrow width of the Stunner means that it can be mounted in some really tight spots. Judging by the three different mounting options, clearly Ecoxotic intends for these lights to be stuck all over the place: The strips have adhesive tape on the back, they have a little eye hole for fastening them with a small screw or nail and they also ship with a very discreet clamp that can be mounted permantently but it still allows for the stunner to be secured or removed on the fly.
Beer Pairing: I was going to pair this LED light with some Michelob Ultra but decided that would be too weak so I opted instead for Michelob Light. This pairing won’t overwhelm your palate or meal and it won’t ruin what the chef was trying to achieve. Follow the break for the full meal.