Centropyge interrupta, the Japanese Pygmy Angelfish, is one of the most sought after by aquarist and also one of the largest species in the marine angelfish genus, Centropyge. Normally we wouldn’t get too excited to see a video of beautiful rare fish in such a mediocre environment however, these two C. interrupta very clearly display the differences in color and body that is most obvious in this species of angelfish.
The male fish is the one sporting the blue markings on the face and the blue streaks in the soft parts of the dorsal and anal fins and the female does not. Furthermore, this pair of Centropyge interrupta shows particularly yellow-orange coloration for the species compared to the specimens which made their way to the U.S. last year. If you take a look at the nearly all blue Centropyge interrupta we photographed at LiveAquaria last year you’ll see how the pair above is significantly more yellow-orange in appearance. Whether this color difference is due to maturity or a regional variant is unknown, but in any case, we thank Reborn Aquarium of Singapore for sharing this video of a beautiful, rare pygmy anglefish species.