The rainbow Acanthophyllia coral we came across this weekend is one of the nicest meat corals we’ve ever seen. We spotted this gorgeous meat coral at Mile High Aquatics in Parker, Colorado and we were impressed at how this coral looks without fluorescent actinics or blue LEDs. As far as unusually colored LPS go, this meaty Acanthophyllia is truly a stunner because Scolymia australis is known for crazy psychedelic colors and stripes, but not so much for Acanthophyllia.
We commend Stuart at Mile High for erring on the side of caution when it comes to having representative pictures of his corals, all photographed under simply blue halides, but we’d still love to see what this Acanthophyllia would do under blue LEDs, or at least actinic fluorescent lamps. The image above was taken with flash, one flash-free image after the break.