The Clown Triggerfish, Balistoides conspicillum, is a long time favorite of all triggerfish fans but it usually has large bold white spots on a black body with a striking pattern. But the clown triggerfish pictured above is something different with the white spots having changed to dots, dashes, and even half circles! Even though the maze clown triggerfish is not a hybrid, it is something weird and interesting enough for us to share the kind of rare variation that is rarely seen elsewhere.
However, this is not the first time that we’ve seen one an unusual clown triggerfish along these lines. Another clown triggerfish with a similar aberration is on display at Sunshine City International Aquarium in Tokyo, Japan. Keep finger cross that it is still alive and fly there if you are interested to see a real one swimming in front of your eyes! I guarantee that it is worth enough to see it at least once in your lifetime!