New Shoreline Hunting Behavior Recorded for Titan Triggerfish

In case you needed another reason to fear the titan trigger, apparently, they can nearly beach themselves for a snack. Keep an eye on your toes next time you’re walking at the beach, as a titan trigger could be lurking…

Ocean Nutrition Formula One & Two Pellets Now In Extra Large Size

Ocean Nutrition has introduced new extra-large pellet sizes for their popular Formula One and Formula Two mix. The extra-large moist pellets promote digestion and can be fed to many marine fishes that require a high-protein or algae-based diet. The new…

A Closer Look at the Very Rare Linespot Triggerfish

The linespot trigerfish is a species of the beloved toothy reef fish that went from unobtainable to just ‘ultra rare’ in just a few short years. Our first encounter with Xanthichtys lineopunctatus was only a little over three years ago when…

RVS Fishworld Reels in Another Remarkable Xanthic Triggerfish

It’s been a little over three years but we knew it would only be a matter of time until we caught wind of a new Xanthic Undulated Triggerfish. Like the hybrid multibar venusta angelfish that only come from the Philippines,…

Rhinecanthus abyssus Triggerfish, First Ever Live Specimen in Aquaria

The Deepwater triggerfish, Rhinecanthus abyssus, is the rarest species of a genus of otherwise very common triggerfish. After years of covering rare fish and especially every triggerfish, the first living example of this fish has just turned up in Thailand…

The Mystery of Clown Triggerfish with ‘Rings’

Besides clownfish, the clown triggerfish is perhaps one of the most iconic and recognizable ambassadors of tropical marine fish. One of the reasons for this is that no other fish looks like the clown trigger, and like moorish idols, they…

Crazy Hybrid Clown Triggerfish Shows Up In Hawaii (Where They Don’t Occur)

Hawaii is known to be home to many a crazy awesome reef fish, but clown triggerfish are not one of them. So you can imagine the surprise of divers in Maui when they came across this wild looking triggerfish which…

Mythical Linespot Triggerfish Appears At ACI Aquaculture

Once upon a time, the goldenback triggerfish was the holy grail of this special group of marine fishes, but that title has been usurped by another, more illustrious species, the linespot triggerfish. Xanthichthys lineopuntatus was once only a ‘book fish’ but…

First Look At The Huge Juveniles of Goldenback Triggerfish

The Goldenback Triggerfish is a beautiful species of marine fish which way too rarely seen. Par tof the reason for this species’ notable scarcity in the aquarium hobby is that this is one of the larger species of Xanthichthys. And when we…

Unique Triggerfish Forgot it was Supposed to Have a Pink Tail!

For some reason, it seems like the aberrant triggerfish that come to our attention are almost always undulated triggerfish, but today it’s the pink-tail trigger’s turn to break the rules. Coming to us from Son’s Aquarium Fish Trading in the…