We’ve covered plenty of amazing azoox reef tanks and azoox corals before, but this Japanese azoox corals in Hanapapa’s tank is on a whole new level. The azoox corals in this tank are so drool worthy that we are not sure if our salivary glands have ever worked so hard over any other aquarium livestock we’ve ever come accross. These azoox corals are simply in some unobtainable realm we can’t even grasp.
Not only is the tank filled to the rim with cool azoox LPS such as Dendrophylia spp., Balonophyllia spp., and Tubstrea spp. this azoox tank also contains countless Flabellum Sp. along with Lophelia sp., Caryophyllia cyathus and many insane other species.
Not to mention some killer seapens. These are the corals you just read about in and seen in books, the corals that make you feel special even if you just handled skeletons of the species, these are the crazy corals any coral nerd dreams about. Just look at those crazy projections at the base of some of these corals!
How Hanapapa acquired these corals is a bit less unfortunate however, all these corals are simply by-catch of local fishermen. Fortunate price wise maybe, as these corals are virtually worthless to the fishermen. But extremely heartbreaking for the local marine life. Most of these corals are probably the result from deep water bottom trawling, a process which simply rips apart the bottom of the ocean including cold water reefs.
Many of these reefs are hundreds if not thousands of years old and provide shelter for many organisms we haven’t even discovered, and are now simply destroyed. Obviously we are not pointing fingers at Hanapapa for simply rescuing corals that would be dumped anyways. Feel free to continue drooling over these jaw dropping corals below however. Also be sure to check out Hanapapa’s blog.