Micro-Reefs has some great pico aquarium kits for those of you looking for a well thought out kit to move beyond the betta bowl on your desk and even make the only small, complete coldwater system we know about. These snazzy little kits take the headache out of putting things together and really let you nearly go plug-and-play for a small home or office saltwater experience.
There are two small tanks called the Micro-Reefs Office Ecosystems that are intriguing and making me think about ordering one. As the description states, “Tired of seeing every other front office with a boring betta? Be the first to bring forth an incredible glimpse of the salt water world. At only 7 x 5 x 6 this can be placed anywhere on the desk! Simply place two small pieces of live rock into your system, add water and turn on filter. Turn on light and now dazzle them with mushrooms and polyps of all colors! The curved edges give the tank a modern look!”
So these come in two sizes, either a one or two gallon, and include the Micro-Reefs tank with curved edges and a glass top, a RedSea nano filter, UP Aqua Flexible LED, a Two Little Fishies nano magnet cleaner, Kent Marine Starter Kit additives, live sand and a Hagen Elite mini submersible aquarium heater. Plus according to the website, there are including two small bits of live rock if you order soon (while supplies last of course).
One of the coolest things about Micro-Reefs is the two gallon temperate (cold water ecosystem) reef tank that the company describes as, “The worlds first and smallest cold water reef tank has finally made it’s way to the homes of reefers wanting to explore the oceans of temperate seas. The cold waters are richer in nutrients than our warm water cousins. This means a world of different colors in critters and corals. Be the first to show off these unique creatures and corals that warm water reefers have only dreamed about owning! DIMENSIONS: 11 X 6 X 7”
These mini temperate systems have everything you need to get a cold water system up and running. The two gallon Micro-Reefs setup gives you a black background acrylic tank, an AquaClear 20 filter pre-drilled for Micro-Chiller, a CoolWorks Micro-Chiller with AC power adapter, CoolWorks controller for Micro-Chiller, CoolWorks controller for Micro-Chiller and a Coralife Aqualight mini T5 fixture.
The office ecosystem tanks run at $114.99 for the samll version and $153.99 for the larger version and the Micro-Reefs cold water ecosystem runs at $299.99.