We always appreciate TED talks and when they venture into the hobby, we like them even more. Here is a nice video from a local TEDx event hosted in Pennsylvania. The TEDxWilliamsport even had Larry Flint (no not that Mr. Flint!) who is a physics teach and vice president of the Education for the Reef Conservation Society to promote reef awareness and education in local schools. The society’s “Tanks in Schools” program helps places reef aquariums in educational settings throughout Pennsylvania and now numbers in over 20 tanks in 11 different schools.
Through awareness and education, Flint shows the audience that the hobby has helped create more awareness around issues on the reefs in the wild and our ability to replicate these environments in our homes. Most importantly, the program teach ecology and conservation through demonstrating how propagation and breeding is creating less impact on the world’s reefs because of the hobby. We applaud Flint’s direction and goal to bring the societies efforts nationwide. We do have one small bone to pick, we realize there are some stunning tanks in Pennsylvania so maybe a few reefers can share some better images for his next presentation! Thanks for the tip Jim R.!