A funny thing happened while we were in Florida last week. In addition to making it a point to visit a very special pair of fish (more on those later), we also made our inaugural tour of ORA’s impressive aquaculture facility. Seeing ORA after a decade of wanting to go there was quite a treat, and very well worth the effort.
A couple days later Tony and I were on our way to the Ft. Lauderdale airport to ship me home. We were literally talking about how Dustin Dorton has done a great job of leading the company into the modern era of reef aquaria and no sooner did we utter those words than we turned our heads to see the infamous ORA Clownfish Car.
Rarer than any reef fish, the one of a kind Clownfish cruiser was on its way to the airport to deliver a shipment of fish to Brazil, we later found out. It’s one thing to see the car sitting still and in pictures but seeing the Clownfish-mobile in motion was an exciting moment for Tony and I, since we were just talking about the company and it says something about the company’s passion for reef fish to have their delivery vehicle entirely professing where ORA’s heart is at.