It has been just less than a month ago when we broadcasted about the newest Paracentropyge hybrid to hit the scenes. Well we hope that’s still fresh in your minds, as BlueHarbor has just uploaded a video of the “original” multibar x venusta hybrid that made headlines back in 2008. Koji teases us with this ridiculously short video of the superstar fish and it leaves us craving for more. How many other rare fish can you spot making cameo appearances in this brief thirteen seconds?

The fish filmed above by Koji Wada himself was the same specimen to hit the reef scene back in 2008. – Labelled “D” in the collage above. While it wasn’t the first to enter the trade, it was the first to gain stardom and worldwide recognition online. Fast forward to 2013, and the fish has changed slightly. The markings on the fish’s left side have warped slightly and appears different from its original markings. On the flip side, the markings have changed relatively little.
It’s very interesting, but not entirely surprising that the markings can change as the fish grows. What is most interesting in the video above is the apparent health of the fish. We’ve heard stories about it being bold, and this video proves just that. Mingling around with other larger fish in a bustling community tank, the hybrid shows zero traits of shyness from both its parents. Kudos to Koji for highlighting the fish to us, and we’re glad to know it’s alive and kicking after so many years.
* This post has been edited after we’ve been informed that the fish posted in the video is the same specimen as the one back in 2008.