Neptune Systems recently let loose a cryptic image with no context which appears to show part of the AI Hydra’s LED cluster and lens. Back in May when Neptune Sys. was working on developing more compatibility between the WXM module and the Ecotech Radion LED it let loose a similar snapshot of the Radion’s LED clusters.
The Apex aquarium controller system has been compatible with Aqua Illumination LEDs longer than any other digital aquarium lights we know of, but this has always been with a wired 1/8″ audio jack cable. Since the AI Hydra and its big brother the AI Vega are both wirelessly networkable, it’s not too much to surmise that Neptune Systems will release a module that will perform similarly as the WXM for AI’s wireless control protocol.
With MACNA around the corner, it’s most likely that Neptune Systems will be making their official announcements then, and perhaps even use their Apex user meetup to showcase their new hardware (and maybe software) products.