SeaSide Aquatics has been blazing a trail in the marine aquarium hobby lately, a trail paved with the latest and greatest reef gear, most recent of which is the exciting Rossmont Mover pumps. Designed in isolation from a completely new Italian company, the Rossmont Movers were designed for uncompromising flow in the smallest possible footprint.
The Rossmont Mover comes in four sizes from 3400 to 7200 liters per hour, about 900 to 1,900 gallons per hour, and SeaSide Aquatics is currently evaluating the first run of this pump made for the US market and our 110v power. Pricing for North America is still being fleshes out but Seaside expects to be able to make a formal announcement within a month or so.
Check out our previous coverage of the Rossmont Mover pumps and we sincerely hope these pumps live up to their potential in US reef tanks. [Seaside Aquatics]