Something fishy is going on in the reefs of Bali. Either a radioactive uranium vein is mutating the resident reef fish, or Bali collectors are paying special attention to aberrant specimens. It’s highly likely that the latter is the more logical explanation.
Bali suppliers have been opening up and revving up their rare fish game in recent years as seen by the influx of Tigerpyges and hybrid Genicanthus angelfishes. While not as spectacular as the Bali golden clown, this ghost anthias is almost just as interesting, and we’ll tell you why.
We’ve been tracking this particular ghost anthias for months now, when we first caught wind of it back in the last few months of 2013. Perplexed doesn’t even begin to cut it when you wake up one morning and see that your watsapp is ringing with synchrony from both your Thailand and Hong Kong rare fish secret agents. This unusually pale anthias has been offered to a few countries in Asia, but no word exactly on where until today.
PetBalloon of Osaka Japan just uploaded images as well as a video of this ghostly Pseudanthias from Bali. We’ve been racking our brains trying to figure out what species this fish could be. Based on body form and finnage, it looks closest to a female of Pseudanthias randalli. The unusual purple eye and trim however kicks up a dust cloud of doubt.
We’ve been running the rare fish department for a while now and so far we’ve seen zero examples of Pseudanthias showing aberrations, or even hybrids. I’m sure of the millions out there, there are bound to be some. We’re just saying we haven’t seen any yet. Therefore shockingly, this is our first, or rather my first encounter with a weird, aberrant and unknown Pseudanthias.
So exactly what is going on with this fish you ask. Well we’re clueless. Even if the fish is just a super faded version of the original, we can’t find a species match that possess those purple eyes and fin trimmings. We’re not even going to guess what’s going on genetically, seeing as how mother Bali has been throwing us some real sick natural twists to the gene game.
What do you think it is? Keep guessing, but do it from the safety of your own homes. Five centimetres and priced exorbitantly at $5,600 USD, that’s more than a grand per cm we’re talking about here. Perhaps the video above will give you a clue as to what it is.