Golden Reef Solomon Islands FINDS PAIR of Aberrant Bicolor Angelfish 

Golden Reef Solomon Islands L.T.D has collected not one but two aberrant Bicolor angelfish, and what’s more, they’re a pair!  Bicolor angelfish, Centropyge bicolor, are widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to the Samoan and Phoenix Islands, north to…

Pigment Abnormalities may be related to Significant Population Decline

Researchers have documented new records of marine fish pigmentation abnormalities, including an albino-melanistic fish, the first record of a leucistic Great Hammerhead Shark, the first record of leucistic Almaco Jacks, and the first melanistic Giant Manta ray in the North…

Koi Moorish Idol is an art house aberration

A one-of-a-kind Moorish Idol has been made available on the website Marine Collectors. Named a Koi Moorish Idol, this eye-catching example of Zanclus cornutus displays four colors instead of the usual three, with far more orange and far less black…

Aberrant Domino damselfish is one in one thousand catch

Kusuma Aquarium in Bali, Indonesia, has sold what they say is an aberrant Domino Damsel. The leucistic fish pictured clearly lacks the jet-black color its species is known for but you can just about make out where the black pigment…

Yellow Koi Scopas Tang is a Filipino Banana Split

Zebrasoma scopas is a widespread but highly variable surgeonfish species, with unusual color aberrations that are prized by the reefkeeping world. The Indian and Pacific Oceans have produced many freaks over the years from as far apart as Kenya to…

Aberrant Cleaner Wrasse From Philippines is Out of this World!

Wrasses are not a group of reef fish that don’t deviate from their template too much, but when they do it can be quite spectacular. Case in point is this aberrant cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus, fished up in the Philippines by…

Gorgeous Aberrant Dottybacks Collected in Philippines

Pictichromis dottybacks are a staple of the marine aquarium hobby, with strawberry and diadema dottybacks being a common and hardy fish well suited for beginner reef tanks. Since these fish are so abundant and often seen in tanks and stores,…

Cairns Marines Discovers the Ultimate Scribbled Regal Angelfish

With its brilliant yellow, black and white striping, there is no angelfish that looks quite like the regal angelfish. There’s only species fish in the genus Pygoplites and a rare case of subspecies which are slightly different from each other, but every once…

Aberrant ‘Superfemale’ Bellus angelfish

Genicanthus bellus is one of the prettiest species of swallowtail angelfish, and their small adult size also makes them the most suited to aquarium life. Like all Genicanthus, G. bellus has very strong sexual color differences and some would argue that the…

Cooper the sterling Siganus is the new Silver Fox in town

Move aside Casper. Cooper’s the new silver fox in town and he’s giving the real Anderson Cooper a run for his money. Off-coloured piebald aberrations are uncommon, but can be seen from time to time especially in certain genera of fish.…