The MaxSpect Celestial LED spotlight first unveiled at MACNA last year did a great job at turning some heads, and the time is almost here for the lights to get put to use. Later this month the 30 watt Celestial LED spotlight will be arriving in three colors, a full spectrum, a super actinic and an algae growing model.
While Kessil has clearly established itself as the leader in multicolor, tunable LED spotlighting for aquariums, MaxSpect’s Celestial LED and its $199 $229 pricing for what will be the first controllable LED spotlight in the 30 watt range is going to change things up a bit. The all-blue version of the Celestial with 410, 420, 430, 480 and 500nm could be the new supplemental blue LED light of choice but the Kessil A150 has been around for some time now, and it’s conceivable that Kessil might have a new version in the works already.
The full spectrum Celestial LED C30-F is a full color LED light with red, green and blue spread across four channels for fine control of the color output. The C30-S is the multicolor actinic LED which we saw in the CoralVue booth with five colors of blue from 400 to 500nm, all of which are controlled by two channels.
The Celestial LED spotlight we hadn’t heard about until now is the “Algae Growing” C30-A which is intended to be used as a sump light for driving algae scrubbers and refugiums. Another model of the Celestial LED spotlight is the 60 watt version of the full spectrum diode, again with four channels of color control, with this light becoming available next month in May.