Maxspect has taken the material it makes its Nano-Tech Bio-Spheres from and made it into an aquarium substrate. Nano-Tech Bio Sand combines the tiny ceramic beads that are stuck together to form Bio-Spheres with natural aragonite sand, a substrate known for its white color and buffering capacity in reef aquariums.
To do it they mix 1kg (2.2lbs) of Nano-Tech Bio Media with 4kg (8.8lbs) of Aragonite sand, the result, says Maxspect is a 5kg (11 lbs) bag of substrate with over 4.3 million square inches of surface area, and it’s suitable for either saltwater set-ups or hard water freshwater setups like Rift Lake Cichlid tanks. The aragonite component consists of grains that are 0.8-1.2mm in size and the product has been ICP tested for purity.

We are big fans of Maxspect’s Nano-Tech products and feature them in most, if not all, of our current reef tank setups. If you can’t get enough surface area and need a new substrate then this new sand might just be for you.