The mother of all orange tongue corals is coming to LiveAquaria’s Diver’s Den tonight. Being a colonial Fungiid, tongue corals of the Herpolitha genus are colonial which makes them a very suitable candidate for fragging and propagation, as is the case with this fabulous coral strain.
We’ve only ever seen a couple dozen orange tongue corals, and among those only two have ever showed some color to the tentacles and tips. But this insane frag of LiveAquara’s mother of all orange tongue corals is also sporting exquisite red tentacles with purple tentacle tips to highlight this masterpiece of the free living Fungiid corals.
There are limited edition corals and then there are Limited Edition corals – this orange tongue coral being part of the latter category as even though they are ‘fraggable’, tongue coral frags grow slowly. Even LiveAquaria had to take more than a year of growout of their frags to finally grow them into mini colonies as pictured above.
Usually the Diver’s Den is the place to go for new, rare and otherwise exotic fishes but tonight, all eyes will be on this insane color strain of orange tongue coral. [LiveAquaria]