People are worried about excessive heat in the aquarium during the summer months but the majority of are just using cooling fans to keep things in check, according to the results of our aquarium heat management survey we conducted earlier this summer.
When it comes to mechanical means to cool things down, 40% of all respondents used cooling fans and 33% used nothing at all. There is a small amount (19%) that use chillers and a smaller amount (8%) that use both chillers and fans.
The fact that there is a lower number of people using chillers and a good portion not using anything at all may be due to the fact that 66% of those that responded are using LED lights.
Another interesting fact is we are getting better at keeping our systems stable with over 70% having temperature swings from 0-3 degrees each day (58% have shifts from 1-3 degrees and 13% reported no temperature swings).
As our systems are getting more digital and automated, many of us are turning towards a full aquariums controllers to help us manage all aspects of our aquarium. There are 42% said they use an aquarium controller to help beat the heat, but then again 41% don’t use any external controller to help manage the heat.
When asked whether they worry about the heat in the summer, 41% completely agreed. There is indications that lighting choice is based partly on keeping temperatures down (around 47% said they either somewhat agree or completely agree).
Most of us do not really worry about the cooling costs are with our electric bills and feel we can leave the house for a long period of time without worrying about the heat in our aquariums.
One last interesting tidbit we gleaned is we like our aquariums big – 38% said their main aquariums were over 100 gallons. The next popular size? Nano aquariums are popular with 15% being between 21-40 gallons and a pretty even distribution between 61-80, 81-100 and 41-60 gallons (13%, 12% and 12% respectively).
Thanks for everyone that participated and keep your eyes out for our next survey. Click the image below to zoom in.