Top 10 crazy clownfish collected in the Philippines recently
Over the last few months, RVS Fishworld has been crushing it with their offering of awesome Filipino reef fish. This high level of quality fish is particularly evident when it comes to collecting rare, aberrant, hybrid and otherwise really unusual clownfish specimens.
We’ve already featured so many different killer clownfish from RVS Fishworld specifically, but over the last few months we just couldn’t keep up with the smorgasbord of really unique anemonefish they have been showing off. Rather than bombard you with a feature of a single clownfish nearly every single day of posting, we’ve been saving up their best clownfish specimens and are presenting them to you know as a large, mega-feature.
These special clownfish specimens range from uniquely patterned individuals, to well known hybrids, and there’s even a few unusual hybrids in there that we’ve never even heard of, or though possible. With this spread of crazy-awesome clownfish, it’s clear that the Philippines are not only one of the centers of biodiversity of marinelife in the wider Indo-Pacific, but also a great hot zone for clownfish abundance and diversity.
Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.