The Catalina Goby, Lythrypnus dalli, is one of those irresistible nano fish that puts many other gobies to shame. Sure, it may be in running competition with the flaming prawn goby or a Yasha goby but those vivid blue and red stripes stand out in any reef tank.
The Catalina Goby is as its name suggests, is a native of Catalina Island which is located in California; however, it can be found along the west coast of the Americas from California to Peru. The Catalina Goby is found living in colder waters, and can be found as deep as seventy-five meters, which is why it requires cooler water in an aquarium.

Catalina Goby Requirements
The suggested temperature of an aquarium suitable for housing one of these fish is 65- 75°F or 24°C. Some aquarist have kept these fish in the eighty-degree range but their lifespan is surely shortened.
Lythrypnus dalli is often readily available at most wholesalers. Some retailers may not stock them due to their poor shipping reputation and their low temperature requirements; however, most LFS will order them if there is a demand for one. Like most gobies, they are not going to “break the bank” either.
Like most other gobies, a smaller tank prevents them from getting lost or sucked into an overflow; although, they can be transferred to a larger tank once they attain a worthy size. Several of these fish can be kept together or with suitable tankmates such as the Potbelly seahorse, or other cold water fish species that are not large enough to see the Catalina Goby as food.
Much like clownfish, Catalina gobies remain gender neutral until they establish dominance within the harem. The most dominant will become a male and grow a longer dorsal fin. The majority of gobies will hover near their homes in the substrate but the Catalina goby will skirt the rocks and walls of the aquarium while also hanging out among their favorite cave.

The Catalina goby is a wonderful fish to have in the home aquarium that is peaceful and vibrant. It is easy to care for given the right temperature and it does not add a considerable amount to your bioload. The Catalina Goby is a unique fish that is exceptional compared to the common goby and this secluded fish gives plenty of excitement when you see it.
Catalina gobies are easy to care for, given the proper temperature requirements are met, and the Catalina goby will not add a considerable amount to your bioload. The Catalina Goby is a unique fish that is exceptional compared to the common goby and this secluded fish gives plenty of excitement when you see it.