California Issues Total Ban on Caulerpa: Warns Retailer of $10,000 Fine Per Violation

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife Agency has written to e-commerce company Etsy and notified them that the sale, possession, or transport of all species of marine macroalgae Caulerpa is now prohibited. In a letter written on Jan 2,…

West Coast Reefers – Do You Have An Emergency Power Plan for Hurricane Hilary? 

Southern California is well known for having amazing weather year-round, so hearing there is a hurricane looming off the coast may come as a surprise. The last time a tropical storm hit the west coast was in 1939. NOAA is…

MACNA 2016 to be hosted in San Diego, California by the S.D Marine Aquarium Foundation

It’s official. MACNA 2016 will take place in San Diego California, hosted by the San Diego Marine Aquarium Foundation (SDMAF). The 28th annual Marine Aquarium Conference of North America makes its big return to the West Coast for the first time…

What happens to California if sea levels rise? Check out this interactive map

Despite being in the midst of a significant four-year drought here in California, there are some are predicting a super storm in the next few years based on historical evidence and frequency of massive storms. What would happen if the state was hit…

California Assembly approves shark fin ban, state one step closer to outlawing practice

The California State Assembly just overwhelmingly approved a ban on the sale and distribution of shark fins within the state moving California one step closer to joining Washington in making the Chinese delicacy illegal. After approving the proposed bill ,…

BAYMAC hits the Bay Area next Saturday

For the fourth year the Bay Area Marine Aquarium Conference (BAYMAC) will be delivering plenty of reefing goodness for hobbyists all over Northern California next Saturday, May 14 when the doors open for the free event at Chabot College. Since…

Sex on the beach was invented by fish

Every spring along California’s beaches tiny fish walk up the beach to spawn. This is the annual march of the beach-spawning grunion, also know as Leuresthes tenuis, and as their spawning habitat declines they need a little help in order…

New sea slug discovered off California coast

Sometimes the most exciting things are hiding right in front of you, just waiting for you to see. Marine biologist Jeff Goddard knows this quite well after he discovered a new species of nudibranch in a California tide pool in…