Guide to Caribbean Coral Identification
Hi there, my name is Nicole and I am in love with coral! I want to inspire scuba divers to explore the reef with new eyes by taking a closer look at corals. I have created this helpful guide to identifying Caribbean corals so you can start to identify corals today.
If you like this guide share it with your friends and don’t forget to bookmark this page. Each image is linked to an article about the coral species with a list of scientific names at the bottom of the page. I am still working on adding more species, but on this page you will find the most common and interesting species in the Caribbean.
Golf Ball Coral
Favia fragum

Sinuous Cactus Coral
Isophyllia sinuosa
Ridged Cactus Coral
Mycetophyllia lamarckiana
Lesser Starlet Coral
Siderastrea radians
Smooth Star Coral
Solenastrea bournoni
Blushing Star Coral
Stephanocoenia intersepta

Lace Coral
Stylaster roseus