Meandrina jacksoni could easily be mistaken for Meandrina meandrites Maze Coral, but the pale yellow color and encrusting shape is what defines this species.
Meandrina corals have unique ridges with prominent septa from the top of the ridge to the center of the valley. These lines alternate which make that ridges look like a zipper. The ridges can span the entire colony or end in the center of the colony.
Side by side the corals look almost identical. The ridges of Meandrina meandrities are a little taller than M. jacksoni. But you can really only tell these two corals apart by looking at the larger colony shape.
Meandrina jacksoni is an encrusting coral so the shape will be more spread out. Meandrina meandrites will be more round or plating shape. You can find Meandrina between 5 and 30 meters (15 – 100 ft)
Caribbean Coral Diaries: Meandrina jacksoni
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